Imprint & privacy policy
Imprint & privacy policy: Date of last update: 22.09.2023
This website, (the “Website”), is published by
BODENSEE PHARMA GMBH, a simplified joint stock company with a capital of 50,000 euros, registered with the Trade and Companies Register (R.C.S.) of Créteil under number 910 319 102, with registered office at 34 Avenue du Midi, 94100 Saint Maur des Fossés, duly authorized (hereinafter referred to as the “Operator”).
The operator’s individual intra-Community VAT number is: FR15910319102
The website is hosted on OVH
SAS with capital of € 10,174,560
RCS Lille Métropole 424 761 419 00045
APE code 2620Z
VAT no.: FR 22 424 761 419
Registered office: 2 Rue Kellermann, 59100 Roubaix, France
OVH SAS is a subsidiary of OVH Groupe SA, a company registered with the RCS of Lille under number 537 407 926 and having its registered office at 2, Rue Kellermann, 59100 Roubaix.
Publication Director: Michel Paulin
This website is hosted by OVH SAS, 2 Rue Kellermann, 59100 Roubaix, France.
The Publication Director of the website is the Communications Director of S2Z DISTRIBUTION, who can be contacted by post, telephone or e-mail using the following contact details:
Communications Department, 34 Avenue du Midi, 94100 Saint Maur des Fossés, .
This website was designed under WordPress by the agency 4 BEEZ, whose head office is located at 24 Rue de Clichy, 75009 PARIS. Their head office is located at 4 Avenue Laurent Cely, 92600 Asnières sur Seine.
The entire website is subject to French and international laws and regulations on copyright and intellectual property.
The Operator is the sole owner of all elements present on the Site, including but not limited to all texts, files, animated or non-animated images, photographs, videos, logos, drawings, models, software, trademarks, visual identities, databases, the structure of the Site and all other intellectual property elements and other data or information (hereinafter the “Elements”) protected by French and international intellectual property laws and regulations.
Consequently, none of the elements of the website (texts, comments, works, illustrations, images, videos, graphics, sound recordings, etc., including the technologies used) may be used in whole or in part in any form whatsoever without the prior express written permission of the operator.
modified, reproduced, copied, duplicated, sold, resold, transferred, published, communicated, distributed, disseminated, displayed, stored, used, rented or in any other way made available to third parties.
manner, whether free of charge or for a fee, by a customer or a third party, regardless of the means and/or media used, whether known today or not, and the customer is solely responsible for any unauthorized use and/or exploitation.
Any person who owns a website and wishes to insert a simple link on their website that refers directly to the website must obtain permission from BODENSEE PHARMA GMBH.
Any authorization granted by BODENSEE PHARMA GMBH shall in no case constitute a tacit agreement of partnership and shall in no case be granted on a permanent basis. This link must be removed at the simple request of BODENSEE PHARMA GMBH.
Visitors or customers of the website have the right to access, modify, rectify and delete data concerning them at any time in accordance with article 34 of the French “Informatique et Libertés” law of January 6, 1978.
When the customer registers or places an order or in the context of other specific operations, BODENSEE PHARMA GMBH offers visitors or customers to receive its newsletters, promotional offers and/or notifications of exclusive sales. The visitor or customer can change their subscription at any time via their personal account or via the hyperlink at the bottom of the newsletters received by email.
Undertakes to take into account changes to subscriptions and unsubscriptions to commercial e-mails distributed by BODENSEE PHARMA GMBH as soon as possible, subject to the necessary processing steps.
May also offer visitors or customers to receive promotional offers from its partners. BODENSEE PHARMA GMBH may disclose the identity and contact details of its users or customers to business partners for commercial purposes, but only if they have consented to the disclosure of their personal data. Users and customers can change their selection at any time on the website.
Uses data collection systems such as cookies. A cookie is a file stored on the hard disk of the user’s computer. Cookies make it possible to recognize a user’s previous visit to the website and to link the user to their personal data left on the website, in particular as part of the identification of the shopping cart.
Informs its customers that the processing of this personal and/or private information has been declared to the CNIL.
The hyperlinks available on the website may refer to third-party sites that are not published by the operator. They are made available to the Customer only as a convenience to facilitate the use of the resources available on the Internet. By using these links, the Customer leaves the Site and accepts to use these third-party sites at his own risk or, where applicable, in accordance with the conditions applicable to them.
The customer
acknowledges that the Operator in no way controls or influences the creation of the terms of use and/or content applicable to or appearing on these third-party sites. Therefore, the operator cannot be held liable in any way for these hyperlinks.
Furthermore, the customer acknowledges that the operator does not support, guarantee or assume any of the terms of use and/or content of these third-party sites.
The website
May also contain advertising hyperlinks and/or advertising banners that refer to third-party sites that are not published by the operator.
The operator
Requests the customer to inform it of any hyperlink on the website that provides access to a third-party site offering content that is contrary to the law and/or morality.
The Customer may not use and/or insert a hyperlink to the Website without the prior written consent of the Operator.

To contact us directly, you can access this section of our website: Contact us