Hair type guide: How do I determine my hair type?

Hair type guide: How do I determine my hair type?

Today we bring you the following blog: Hair type guide: How do I determine my hair type?

Understanding your hair type is crucial to choosing the right hair care products and taking the best possible care of your mane.Hair differs from person to person, but is usually divided into several categories depending on its texture, thickness and curl strength.In this guide, we will help you determine your hair type and customize your care routine accordingly.

Determine the texture of your hair:

The texture of your hair refers to the individual thickness of each strand.
It can be fine, medium or thick. To determine this, take a clean strand of hair and rub it gently between your fingers.

Hair that detangles easily and is barely visible in the light is considered fine.

A noticeable structure and stable hairstyles indicate medium-thick hair.

Strong and noticeable strands indicate thick hair.

Identify the curl level:

    The curl level of your hair is another important factor. It can vary from straight (type 1) to extremely frizzy (type 4). You can determine this by observing the natural shape of your hair after washing and air-drying.

  • Type 1: Straight hair

Hair that is straight and smooth, without waves or curls, as well as robust and resistant, probably belongs to type 1.

Thanks to the sebum that circulates from the roots to the tips, these hairs often appear particularly shiny.

  • Type 2: Wavy hair
Hair with distinct “S”-shaped waves that are neither straight nor curly are indicative of type 2.

Such waves can either be slightly pronounced, resulting in a loose “wavy” look, or voluminous, with pronounced “S” waves that tend to frizz, especially when damp.

  • Type 3: Curly and frizzy hair

  • Hair with distinct “S”-shaped waves that are neither straight nor curly are indicative of type 2.

    Such waves can either be slightly pronounced, resulting in a loose “wavy” look, or voluminous, with pronounced “S” waves that tend to frizz, especially when damp.

  • Type 4: Frizzy hair

  • If your hair grows in spirals and has a high density, you probably have type 4 frizzy hair, which is often referred to as afro because it has a texture that is typical of certain demographic groups.

    The hair can be:- with very tight curls that already form well-defined spirals at the root,
    – fine and fragile, forming a clear “S”,
    – with barely visible curls in a Z-shape, very fine and fragile.

    Evaluate the porosity:

    Porosity describes the ability of your hair to absorb moisture. To test this, take a clean strand of hair and place it in a glass of water. If it floats on the surface, your hair has low porosity, which means that it has difficulty absorbing moisture. If the strand sinks slowly, it has medium porosity. If it sinks quickly, your hair has high porosity.

    Take the hair density into account:

    Hair density refers to the amount of hair on your scalp. To assess it, look at yourself in the mirror and see if you can see your scalp through your hair. If you can see it clearly, you have a low hair density. If you can only partially see it, you have an average hair density, and if you can barely see it, you have a high hair density

    To summarize :

    As we have seen, there are 4 hair types, which can be divided into 3 subcategories.


    Type 1: Straight hair


    Type 2: Wavy hair

    Type 3: Curly and frizzy hair

    Type 4: Frizzy hair

    Type 1a: Straight and fine hair


    Type 2a: Light waves

    Type 3a: Curls with wide waves

    Type 4a: Spiral curly hair

    Type 1b: Straight and medium-thick hair


    Type 2b: Voluminous waves

    Type 3b: Defined curls


    Type 4b: Fine, S-shaped frizzy hair

    Type 1c: Straight and thick hair


    Type 2c: Thick and voluminous hair

    Type 3c: Frizzy hair with tight curls


    Type 4c: Z-shaped frizzy hair

    The destination

    Identifying your hair type is the first crucial step in caring for your hair accordingly. Once you have identified your texture, curl level, porosity and hair density, you can choose products and routines that best suit your specific needs.


    That the needs of your hair can change over time. Adapt your routine accordingly to always have healthy hair.

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